Desmond Fuller

Education Programs Coordinator

Desmond assists Hillary Colton in educational programming at The Cabin. Their shared office is acknowledged as having the highest population of plant babies in the building.

Desmond holds a BA in English and Spanish, from Portland State University and an MFA in fiction from Boise State University. He was the associate editor of The Idaho Review and was a 2023 Sun Valley Writers Conference Fellow. Desmond has taught creative writing at Boise State and as a Cabin Teaching-Writer.

His fiction appears in various literary journals such as Grist, Indiana Review, Peauxdunque Review, Aquifer: The Florida Review online, Hawaii Pacific Review, West Trade Review, The Gravity of the Thing, and elsewhere.

When he’s not writing, Desmond enjoys playing music, hiking, bicycling, and catching a good movie at The Flicks. Some of his favorite books include Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson (or really anything and everything by Denis Johnson), The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers, and The Quick and The Dead by Joy Williams.


Hillary Colton


Gen Emerson