Gen Emerson

Patron Services Manager

Gen handles front line customer service and sales, hires seasonal interns, proofs communications, secures supplies, coordinates building maintenance and schedules building use and rentals. She graduated from Boise State University with an Interdisciplinary degree in Field Sciences, Art & Creative Nonfiction Writing and spent a decade traveling, writing, and conducting wildlife research throughout Idaho before settling down in Boise.

Gen loves to swim, sing, and dance. She can be found reading in the evenings with her beau, talking to orchids, strolling with binoculars, creating colorful messes in the studio, and examining tiny flowers, bugs, and rocks wherever she roams. For Gen, sipping tea over a desert sunrise with the late Byrd Baylor, rubbing Jane Goodall’s tired feet or planting a tree with Wangari Maathai would be the ultimate.


Desmond Fuller


Joel Wayne